
“A bit about the biz”—

Lux Uncut is known for being a top trendsetter both within the local Scottsdale beauty community as well as the lash industry on a worldwide basis. The company was founded in 2016 by owner Lana X. She jump started her business as a young woman with the dream to alleviate the dreaded long morning routines women face daily by providing women with luxurious. safe, and beautiful eyelash extensions.

Quickly Lana built a name for herself beyond just Scottsdale and began to spark an influence amongst lash artists across the globe for her noticeably prestigious artistry. With her unique lash artistry and technique taking the world by storm she began to teach other beauticians how to replicate her technique in the application of eyelash extensions. Lux Uncut has proudly grown into more than just a local eyelash extension company and now teaches beauticians across the globe on all things beauty, business, and branding. To date Lana has taught over 600 people her secrets to success. Lana has built quite the reputation and continues to do so as the years go by.

You can find her today continuing to educate and service the local women of Scottsdale along side her newest team member, Taylor. You can read more about the Lux Uncut team here.

Lana is a true leader, mentor, and artist who shares her craft with eloquence, detail, and high standard.
— daisy b.
I love learning from Lux Uncut! I have taken both in person and online classes and I am addicted. Learning with Lana is fun and incredibly informational.”
— Jasmine M.
The Artistry Course was nothing short of perfect and was worth every penny. Everything was truly unmatched.
— Morgan G.